【同义词辨析】 2018-09-17 骚扰bait-hound

bait: implies wanton cruelty or delight in persecuting a helpless victim: siblings ~ed each other constantly.   (wanton 1无理任意, 2放荡, 如wanton destruction of environment肆意破坏环境, wanton woman荡妇) (cruel残忍特指以别人痛苦为乐delight)  

badger: implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy: ~ed her father for a raise in her allowance. (frenzy疯狂狂乱: 因紧张激动而情绪失控,常伴有动作suggests loss of self-control and violent agitation often manifested in action,如shoppers driven to a frenzy during the annual sale年度促销使顾客疯狂)

heckle: implies persistent interruptive questioning of a speaker in order to confuse or discomfit: drunks ~d the stand-up comic.  (discomfit妨害挫折使困窘implies a hampering or frustrating accompanied by confusion,如persistent heckling discomfited the speaker不断地诘问让演讲人困窘)

hector: carries an implication of bullying, scolding and domineering that breaks spirit: as a child he had been ~ed by his father.   Hector是特洛伊首领,做事高尚,但名字在17世纪末被伦敦流氓盗用。

chivvy: suggests persecution by teasing or nagging: ~ed her husband to the breaking point.   又如he chivvied them into the car

hound: implies unrelenting pursuit and persecution: ~ed on all sides by creditors.   creditor债权人,债务人是debtor

bait逗人生气: 故意让人痛苦以此为乐(persecute迫害的基本意思是让人痛苦烦躁),badger骚扰: 不断骚扰(pester表示骚扰harass,但强调不断琐碎),让人困扰狂躁,heckle诘问: 打断人,使人困窘,hector欺凌: 表示欺辱斥责专横,使人丧失斗志, ,chivvy强求催促: 挑逗唠叨,让人干本不想干的事,hound追讨纠缠: 不停追讨追问,本意是猎狗。

记忆方法: 1)首字母BBHHCH不好不好好差<==不要骚扰

         2)骚扰的意思是不停提要求找麻烦mean to harass persistently or annoyingly by efforts to break down.